Bill FitzGerald
Bill FitzGerald specializes in rhetoric and writing studies with particular interests in the rhetoric or religion, Kenneth Burke and the rhetoric of style. At Rutgers, he also teaches undergraduate courses in media and literacy studies and graduate courses in genre, composition theory and research methods. His book Spiritual Modalities: Prayer as Rhetoric and Performance (Penn State Press 2012) is part of a larger project on the relationship between speech in general and speech addressed to God. Finally, Bill directs the Teaching Matters and Assessment Center in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Tyler Fleser
Graduate Coordinator
Tyler is a second year MFA student in the Creative Writing program, specializing in fiction. At the WDL, Tyler manages scheduling and development of the undergraduate consultant team, and, if you schedule an online appointment, he will likely be the person assisting you. Tyler has led community workshops, served on a first-generation student panel, and published short stories as well as poetry. In addition, he taught First-Year Composition for two years at Texas Tech University and more recently taught Comp I and II here at Rutgers-Camden.
Cate Harding
Cate Harding is a first year at Rutgers Business School and a member of the Honors College. She is majoring in Human Resources with a minor in Sociology. She is skilled in academic, business, and research based writing. She loves writing about all kinds of topics and hopes to publish papers related to her field. She is passionate about helping others and aspires to provide support to people through her career in the future.
Sophia R. Westfall
Sophia R. Westfall is a sophomore, studying in English and Digital studies with a minor in Art and Writing. She is a Co-editor for the Rutgers Undergraduate Review, member of the Honors College, and a two-time award winner for the Young Writers Short Story Publication. Biliterate in both classical and medieval Latin, she conducts translation analyses for historical and religious texts. She is primarily focused on academic writing such as research and thesis papers, but often indulges in her love for creative writing in both poetic and novel form. Upon graduating from Rutgers, Sophia plans to continue her education with hopes of teaching at a university one day, whilst publishing both her fiction and non-fiction work as a personal and professional goal.
Wayne Reynolds
Wayne Reynolds is 24 years old and a senior pursuing an English major as well as a triple minor in communication, film, and digital studies. Wayne’s dream is to become a screen writer for animation and inspire people with his stories! A few things Wayne loves involve gaming, writing, anime, and so much more. It will be Wayne’s pleasure to help students any way he can with their writing!
Erin Gallagher
Erin Gallagher is a sophomore, majoring in mathematics, with the hopes of being a math teacher. She currently works in a program to help teach local middle school students advanced math subjects. She is very excited to take all she has learned through teaching math and apply it to helping students with their writing at the WDL. Her best form of writing is academic, but she has recently been writing more creatively. Outside of school, her interests include playing the drums, going to the shore, and watching Philly sports.